Taishoku Sh ita Taichio Fuka Taichio Ōzokutokumu Yuki Kenpachi Hideyasu .
Real name: Yuki Hideyasu
Nicknames: Oni of the Ash, Black Oni and Soki
Age: 1000 years old appears as a 31 years old year old man.
Gender: Male
Weight: 230 pounds (un-armoured)
Height: 7ft 2inchs tall
Race: Vizard/ Onimusha
(Onimusha is a set generation in time and just have common looks nothing more they set up there own religion.
Location: Soul Society
Division: 0
Held ranks:
Squad 1 Captainship.
Squad 1 VC
Squad 5 Maid ¬_¬.
Squad 11 VC.
Squad 11 captainship.Twice
Squad 7 Maid
Squad 8 VC.
Current Rank: Squad 0 member Vice Capitan
Lamentation ("meaning, "A state of sorrow") is Hideyasu 'Soki' Yuki's prized broadsword Zanpaktou
Lamentation runs on a twist handle drive which is a crank drive which simply keeps a small hole at the base of the blade closed until the button on the handle is pressed to open it allowing Reiatsu and the element inside to flow across the blade which allows it to store Reiatsu and inside making sure less is waisted.. The darkness is formed from the unique composition inside the blade that creates Darkness when the Reiatsu inside rubs on the sides during swings which begins the bounce around inside cascading off the walls of the blade till the Darkness becomes strong enough to generate its self over and over till it kills its self inside, before this time it is normally released.
Fortinbrasss Lord of darkness is slightly different from lamentation in appearance is Dark but its size and shape is the same.
Anguish: is an exact twin version of lamentation but the colour's are inverted
Armour: Something malign benign its nature the only unique thing about Soki which he has fought hard and long to make his own for it was the first in SS history. [ooc:Lamentation Anguish and Fortinbrass are transcendently linked through my armour so if you want to get technical its ONE Zanpaktou, three blades and the armour linked throught out there attachments is basic in that it all comes from the armour the Blades are the 'Extention's' of The armour its self Fortinbrass his Zanpakto has a price due to the Armour he has less mobility then a normal Shinigami.
Manipulated Sealed Appearance A set of three Nodachi each (32 inches long),The hilt’s are light-red (Fortinbrasss) ,light-blue (Lamentation), dark black Anguish with a tsuba made of two slim swirls of metal looping around the blade to make an open oval, resembling an \"S\" for his nick name
Sealed Appearance: Three great swords that engraved with details on the sides. One is blue Lamentation the other red with gold engravings Fortinbrasss the other black Anguish which is on his back and almost never used it is unclear what its engravings are beside a pattern with a menacing skull and three rings that pulse when he becomes excited :
Shikia [Initial Release] Command: Rise Lamentation ,Fortinbrass and awaken from your slumber and unleash your anguish!!
Shikia: Appearance: The appearance does not change generally for the swords more of Soki’s armour and appearance changes, the blades seem to regain some of there old luster during shikai but the wear on the blade its self is still there.
Shikia Abilities: Main-"DESOLATION."The hell drive fills up far quicker and no longer is in threat of killing it's self, it releases all the energy point blank and cannot fire outwards . This is a point blank technique which inflicts a great deal of damage.it does not have to be swung to realise only the handle needs turned.
[ooc: lamen terms point blank Getsuga tensho]
Seals: [By request Soki is very sealed in his skills due to his Immense Spiritual Energy so I made this a field for the data about them]
Three basic kido seal’s on each blade [3]
A Captain’s seal modified by Aia per yaana's request [4]
His armour’s seal’s which slows his mobility and flexibility, while holding Reiatsu eating monster\'s inside specific compartments at the so claimed 'Charka points' and one were his chest was ripped open during his hollowfication form to specifically to eat hollow Reiatsu [10]
Bankai [Final Release] Command: Bankai, inner anguish, sorrows lamented release your true cause and awaken Fortinbrass!!
Bankai Appearance:
or watch this
Bankai Ability's: the same skills from before still apply and are stronger, increased mobility.
Element Control: His elemental base is Darkness and he can control and manifest as explained above, he cannot change its path mid flight to 'follow' someone
Hells Drive: All his Zanpaktóu can do this due to the twist drives in the handle, After enough Reiatsu has been stored into the blades they let off a blast of pure condensed Reiatsu from an outlet at the wielding side causing the next strike to have far more force behind it. maximising and damage that may happen.
Grand Summon: When Soki draws both Lamentation and Fortinbrasss together holding them side by side opened like scissors and begins to close them latent Reiatsu is drawn in large amounts. Preparing him for the next .[ this must be done and takes time for the next skill to happen.
Final Pierce: As the blades close in the Reiatsu awakens inside his body and begins to appear visible, as he shunpo's towards the Target, this has limited range but on impact its Damage is the equivalent of a level 80 Hado, having stored all the Reiatsu into one point and used it, he finds it heard to even stand after this for some days.
VV skill video below VV wait till he is fighting the tallest Enemy and the move he uses to kill it.
Special Skills: The proficient use of Kido, it this state of Bankai It allows him to cast kido with Far more ease on his body, but does not increase the amount of energy he has to use it from.
Hollow Form: Soki’s body becomes a pure white due to the fluid and his hollow takes over this one is beyond viscous making ones like Ichigo’s seem almost sane. Its appearance is
Avatar Form: A White Serpent. He is portrayed as a gargantuan serpent-like being, with a pair of large wings intact on his back and a third eye on top of his head. This was his animal form but his human form is that of a rather wise and debonair man with blonde hair and a white tuxedo but his Cruel metal state is worse than Soki’s
This is a rough picture of me fighting him in his first form =O very bad I know but I suck at painting
Vizard Powers
Vast Spiritual Power:
While wearing the mask, the spiritual power Soki possesses becomes even greater than before. His spiritual power is so great, that he was considered equal to noodles before he uses Bankai.
Hollow Combat:
When Soki fights with his mask on his fighting style becomes more instinctive than practiced. The Hollow mask also makes Soki more ruthless, akin to the battle style of Hollow Soki. Throughout the duration of the hollowfication, Soki has shown less concern for injuries to his person, even going so far as to ignore grievous wounds to continue fighting.
Mask Shielding:
The mask has also shown the ability to block attacks on Soki\'s body from within his Armour, serving as a shield to stop or lessen attacks on him, sometimes saving his life.
Enhanced Strength:
While using the Hollow mask, Soki gains a substantial increase in strength. This was proven when with his bare hand, although injured, he stopped Hayashi Sagara’s blade
Enhanced Durability:
using the Vizard form makes him much more pain resistant, Soki even states at the beginning of his Vizard training that \"Wearing the mask feels like being in control of someone else\'s body\".
Power Augmentation:
While wearing the mask, Soki\'s Hollow powers supplement his Shinigami powers, giving him a vast increase in both strength and speed. The explanation for this is that since Hollows boost their natural abilities by obtaining spirit power around them, either by absorbing it in its ambient form or devouring it directly from another living being, Soki attains power from two separate sources: that from himself (drawn using his Shinigami powers), and that from his immediate environment (drawn with the help of his Hollow powers), allowing him to draw power from both sides. It could even be suggested that the Hollow mask allows Soki to recapture the energy he constantly leaks into the environment, making him more efficient.
Mask Regeneration:
Soki seems to have the ability to repair small amounts of damage that is inflicted upon his mask. He has also been shown to have the ability to call his mask out a second time after it shatters, but with less benefit. Also his sclera’s do not change, and remain human.
.He was washed up on soul society’s door step and was taken in by a weak worried member of Squad 4 who healed him but left his swords outside cause he was not aware they were Zanpaktou’s so after stumbling outside again to get them he turned to see a captain it was Zaraki he was giving the member in trouble for letting in a nobody because he was on the floor at the time Soki was kicked out and injured and was taken in by a family he began to know well as the healed and fed him he set of to enrol in squad 11 and did so but then Zaraki left going to the real world to find a man I think he said his name was ‘Ichigo’s’ he really didn’t care so since Zaraki left he has kept going up the seats and training to surpass him and show him up.
whenever he was not looking for his dad upon finding him one day he slit his throat and hanged him from the tallest tower of all soul society and let his blood flow out with a maniacal grin from that day he knew he had snapped until he met his wife he calmed down made allot of fun made friends, But now she is gone and he is in a constant state of rage his desire for her can only be stopped by the spilling of blood which he is beginning to enjoy too much,.
Now that she is gone the hollow is beginning to take over its only a matter of time till it gets out and then .......... then the mass murders began he was kicked out for some time he wandered allot he met a few others on his travels ,Kenpachi who he beat into the ground (our clan\'s Zaraki) ,Ulquiorra , Ichigo and Amagai he trained with them all picked up the secrets of there training with his time and joined back in squad 2 in the Onmitsukidō under noodles, but he has never been stable again.
Historically- Soki is a real person ow yes :D
Yūki Hideyasu (結城秀康, Yūki Hideyasu?) (March 1, 1574–June 2, 1607) was a Japanese daimyo who lived during the Azuchi-Momoyama and early Edo periods. Born the second son of Tokugawa Ieyasu, he established the Echizen Fukui Domain.
Hideyasu was born Tokugawa Ogimaru in 1574, the 2nd son of Tokugawa Ieyasu, by Ieyasu\'s concubine, Lady Oman. Oman is said to have given birth to twins, and that Ogimaru\'s brother succeeded Oman\'s father as priest of Chiryū Shrine in Mikawa Province. He was born near Hamamatsu Castle, in Ofumi Village.
Oman was a servant to Lady Tsukiyama, Ieyasu\'s first wife. After Ieyasu impregnated her, he feared Tsukiyama\'s wrath, and so he sheltered her in the home of his retainer Honda Shigetsugu. Ogimaru was born there.
Indifference from IeyasuThe young Ogimaru was, for some reason, disliked by his father Ieyasu. It was not until age three that he met Ieyasu, and even that meeting, cold as it was, was not arranged by the father, but instead by Ogimaru\'s half-brother, Matsudaira Nobuyasu. After Nobuyasu\'s execution by order of Oda Nobunaga, Ogimaru would have been the next in line to inherit the Tokugawa headship; however, as part of the peace negotiations following the Battle of Komaki-Nagakute, he was given in adoption (in reality as a hostage) to Hashiba Hideyoshi. Coming of age while living with Hideyoshi, Ogimaru then took the name Hashiba Hideyasu, which combined the names of his adoptive father and biological father. hideyasu was a brave samurai.
Young Adulthood and Battles
Hideyasu took part in his first campaign during the subjugation of Kyushu in 1587, leading the assault on Buzen-Iwaishi Castle. He also received honors for his distinction in the pacification of Hyūga Province. Hideyasu also took part in the Siege of Odawara (1590) and the Korean Campaign (1592). His successes in these campaigns earned him respect as an able field commander, despite his young age.
In 1589, a son was born to Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and so Hideyasu was given in adoption the following year to Yūki Harutomo of Shimōsa Province. Marrying Harutomo\'s niece, Hideyasu succeeded to the Yūki headship and its 111,000 koku landholding.
Later Years
Following the Battle of Sekigahara, he received a transfer from the fief the Yūki family held in Shimosa Province (assessed at 101,000 koku) to one in Fukui (670,000 koku). In 1604, he took the surname Matsudaira. When he died in 1607, his first son Matsudaira Tadanao succeeded him.
He has learned
-Hand-to-hand combat
-Shudo (my mix of both the above)
-Basic Kido
-Advanced kido
- Releasing Immense Spiritual Energy limited time
-Enhanced Strength and Speed
-Cero and Kido fusions Vizard
-Single hand swordsmanship
-duel sword fighting
-Elements control of Darkness
-Basic Shikai
-Advanced Shikai
-Basic Bankai
-Advances Bankai
-Berserker mode
PERSONAL NOTES: if you are confused ask me in mail If the picture does not view on your screen open it in a new tab to see it in full, If you think I am too much to handle DON'T I barely ever get to use anything past shikai